Corporate Bonds

The scheme

The Duchy Fish Quota Company bond scheme has been developed to enable private sector businesses and public bodies to invest in the future of Cornish fishing.


  • We have developed a corporate logo, which associates your company name with the Duchy Fish Quota Company Bond scheme. In return for your investment in the Bond scheme, we will offer you a visible token to display. This can be tailored to suit your individual needs:
    – A sign for your company building, workshop, factory or town
    – A logo for your company van
    Note: that these will be charged separately according to size and number you require.
  • We will, with your permission, publicise that your company has joined the Bond scheme and is supporting the Duchy Fish Quota Company.
  • We have a range of fundraising merchandise including t-shirts and sweatshirts, which can be printed with the combined company logos for your staff and colleagues, for which we can supply a price list.
  • We will invite you to a variety of fundraising and publicity events at various times of the year.
  • Alternatively, your details can remain anonymous if you prefer.


  • This is a legally binding agreement between your company and the Duchy Fish Quota Company.
  • The amount of money lent to Duchy Fish Quota Company will be held as a Duchy Fish Quota Company Bond. This will be a non-interest bearing loan and a certificate issued upon receipt. Our solicitor has approved the details of the loan.
  • The amount lent is variable depending on your company size and level of input. We will be happy to discuss your company’s individual requirements at a face-to-face meeting at your convenience.
  • We ask that the Bond is held for a minimum of five years after which time, and should you require it back, the money can be returned.
  • We ask that you give 12 months notice if you need the money returned as fish quota is leased on an annual basis 1 January to 31 December.
  • In order to return your investment we will need to liquidise the assets from the fish quota.
  • If you do not require it back, the money will continue to be reinvested to buy more fish quota in perpetuity.
  • If the need for the Duchy Fish Quota Company to buy quota to lease to Cornish fishermen ceases, the amount of the loan will be returned to each contributor and the Duchy Fish Quota Company dissolved.

Our promise to you

The Directors of the Company will act with all due diligence to ensure that your investment in this Company retains the best value possible. However, European Union and United Kingdom government legislation on quotas and the quota system may change from time to time without the Board of Directors having prior warning or knowledge of such changes in the legislation.

We cannot therefore guarantee that your investment will retain its full value.

Request more information about our Corporate Bonds

Our Bondholders and supporters include

Rick Stein
Rick SteinBondholders / Supporter
Fal Fish Limited
Fal Fish LimitedBondholders / Supporter
Celtic Fish and Game
Celtic Fish and GameBondholders / Supporter
Padstow FisheriesBondholders / Supporter
Looe Fish SellingBondholders / Supporter
Cornish Smoked FishBondholders / Supporter
Newlyn Ice CompanyBondholders / Supporter
Kelynack Cornish FishBondholders / Supporter


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