
To achieve our aim of returning all of the fish quota held in Cornwall back into the hands of the community we need your help.

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Our investment scheme has been developed to enable private sector businesses and public bodies to invest in the future of Cornish fishing.

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Have Quota?

We are always looking to increase our share of the quota market, so if you currently own quota and are considering selling, please contact us.

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Want Quota?

We operate a fair and transparent system to ensure every fishermen is treated equitably, we are here to help you find the quota you need.

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When a coastal community loses its fishing industry, it loses more than boats from the harbour and fish from the quay. Something fundamental to the DNA of the community is lost.
Richard Benyon, UK Fisheries Minister 2010 - 2013
I am passionate about Cornish fish and the Cornish fishing industry and want to see both continue sustainably long into the future – securing quota for Cornwall is an essential ingredient in this.
Rick Stein OBE, DFQC Patron
Without affordable access to fish quotas the Cornish Fishing Industry has a very bleak and un-certain future.
Colin Warwick MBE, DFQC Chairman

The Issue

Fish quotas once allocated to the Cornish fleet have become a highly valuable and tradable commodity.
With no safeguards in place to manage this trade the amount of quota available to the Cornish industry has been eroded (by £5m in the last 10yrs alone) and if the current trend continues the next generation of Cornish fishermen may be prevented from fishing in their own water… read more

The Mission

The Duchy Fish Quota Company exists to ‘Keep Cornwall Fishing’ now and forever. To do this we need to buy all the quota held within the Cornish fleet and then use it to provide affordable quota leasing to current and future generations of Cornish fishermen… read more

The “Keep Cornwall Fishing” Campaign

To achieve our aim of returning all of the fish quota held in Cornwall back into the hands of the community we need your help – whether that be help with raising awareness within local communities, political lobbying or fundraising – we’d love to have you on board… read more

Latest Posts

Duchy Fish Quota Company reacts angrily to capping of inshore fishermen

December 17th, 2015|0 Comments

The Duchy Fish Quota Company (DFQC) has reacted angrily to the Defra announcement that it would be further restricting the fishing

Deal on 2016 fish quotas a mixed bag for Cornish fleet

December 17th, 2015|0 Comments

The DFQC has said that the outcome of this year’s EU Fisheries Council in Brussels represents a ‘mixed bag ‘

DFQC supported over 300 fishing families since 2009

December 1st, 2015|0 Comments

Figures recently released by the Duchy Fish Quota Company showed that 2014/15 was another successful year for the company that

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